Ad Hoc Writers
Ad Hoc, Ad Astra, Ad Draconus
Society Builder Outline
Copyright (C) 1990 & 1993, Ad Hoc Writers, Hayward, California
Revised April 6, 1991 and January 9, 1993
There should not be a monolithic culture unless there is given a
very good reason why an entire world would have the same cultural
patterns and background
- Animals (Note: could also use this section to refer to fish, birds and insects as well as trees and flowers in some cases. How about bacteria and viruses?)
- Types.
- Diversity and intraspecies variation.
- Niche.
- Range.
- Habitat.
- Phylogenetic tendencies.
- Morphological.
- Ethnological.
- Behavioral ecology.
- Mating.
- Food sources.
- Predators.
- Parasites.
- Activity.
- Nocturnal.
- Diurnal.
- Crepuscular.
- Cycles
- Migration.
- Hibernation.
- Reproductive.
- Etc.
- Sociobiology.
- Kinship relations.
- Functional specialization.
- Distribution of population.
- Territoriality.
- Care of.
- Use of.
- Pets.
- War.
- Travel.
- Hauling.
- Research.
- Wild.
- Hunting.
- Hunter.
- Hunted.
- Food.
- Entertainment.
- Place in Society.
- Which animals are admired most in society?
- By what classes?
- Why?
- How is admiration expressed?
- Which animal attributes are admired most?
- Strength - as compared to what?
- Speed.
- Grace.
- Beauty.
- Intelligence.
- Guile.
- Agility.
- Fear.
- Ferocity.
- In what way are animals used in the language?
- Quote some expressions, ie:
- Fast as a cheetah (or the local equivalent).
- Fierce as a fighting stallion.
- Mean as a sore toothed grizzly with cubs in the spring.
- Cute as a kitten.
- Friendly as a puppy.
- Lazy as a hound.
- Adjectives.
- Cat like.
- Bitch.
- Stud.
- Place in mythology.
- Place in religion.
- Cost.
- Zoos.
- Ornaments.
- Animal ornaments (collars, etc.).
- Jewelry with animal motifs.
- Heraldic symbols.
- Anthropology.
- Age.
- Distribution.
- Status and treatment of children.
- Status and treatment of old people.
- Behavior.
- Illogical.
- Pathological.
- Normal.
- Prescribed.
- Cravings for the forbidden.
- Non-conformist.
- Defectives - physical and mental.
- Crimes.
- Deviants - sexual, political, philosophical, etc.
- Defined types of crimes.
- Punishments.
- Rewards.
- Organizations.
- Law enforcement.
- Motivations - what drives peoples.
- Fears.
- Body language.
- Castes.
- Class differences.
- What are the roles of the different elements of
- Women.
- Nobility.
- Warriors.
- Craftsmen.
- Commercial people.
- Serfs.
- Freemen.
- Priesthood.
- Educators.
- Slaves.
- Dissidents.
- Rebels.
- Criminals.
- Terrorists.
- Customs.
- Greetings.
- Leave takings.
- Taboos.
- Societal Pressures.
- Privacy issues.
- Body space.
- Funeral customs.
- Treatment of remains (mummies, burn, etc).
- Beliefs regarding deceased.
- Navajo type fear of dead.
- Ancestor worship.
- Etc.
- Relationships between peoples.
- Relationships between people and animals, and spirits, etc.
- Discrimination and minorities.
- Race.
- Sex.
- Class.
- Wealth.
- Birth.
- Height.
- Coloring.
- Language.
- Clothes.
- Geography.
- Family.
- Family functions.
- Political significance.
- Kinship ties.
- Groups.
- Gestures - obscene and otherwise.
- Names.
- Types of names.
- Secret.
- Soul.
- Family.
- Public.
- Descriptive.
- Job.
- Place.
- Class.
- Event.
- Personality.
- Nicknames.
- Number of names.
- Source of names.
- Family.
- Matrilineal.
- Patrilineal.
- Combination.
- Made up from a parent's first name (Donald's son).
- Parent of same sex.
- Parent of opposite sex.
- Combination.
- Same parent regardless of sex.
- Whoever in family has the most wealth.
- Clan name.
- Dream.
- Rite of Passage.
- Self chosen.
- Religious ceremony.
- Event.
- Deities.
- Ancestors.
- Relatives.
- Clan or tribal.
- Guild.
- Desired characteristics.
- Change of names.
- Change with marriage or stay the same?
- Both spouses or just one?
- Which one if just one?
- Add a name?
- Subtract a name?
- Both?
- Combine names?
- Maturity or rite of passage change.
- Legal change structure.
- Honorifics.
- Status.
- Title.
- Birth.
- Job.
- Position.
- How do people of differing status address each other?
- Organizations.
- Fraternal.
- Secret.
- Guild.
- Political.
- Religious.
- Military.
- Educational.
- Ornaments.
- Dress.
- Body ornamentation.
- External, as bracelets, necklaces, finger rings.
- Piercing the body for rings and studs.
- Tatoos.
- Scarification.
- Applied to which sex?
- Accentuate or modify which parts of body?
- Cosmetics.
- Headgear.
- Perfumes.
- Face and body hair.
- Feet gear.
- Clothing .
- Functional.
- Styles.
- Sexual differences.
- Class differences.
- Why did these styles become popular or why did they go away?.
- What are old fashioned styles.
- New wave or punk styles.
- Personal space.
- Racial differences.
- Sex differences.
- Society blind spots.
- Stratification of society.
- Time.
- How does culture look at time.
- Is "tomorrow" different from "next year".
- How is time measured?.
- How developed is the calendar.
- What kind of calendar or other time cycles.
- Importance of cycles.
- Biology.
- Biochemistry.
- Anatomy.
- Culture.
- Settlement Patterns.
- Nomadic.
- Transport.
- Specific Locations.
- Subsistence.
- Pastoralism.
- Slash-and-burn agriculture.
- Sedentary.
- Gathering-hunting/fishing.
- Farming.
- Architecture.
- Housing.
- Furnishings.
- Styles.
- Materials.
- Craftsmen.
- Public buildings.
- City planning.
- Forts.
- Castles.
- Materials.
- Stone.
- Wood.
- Thatch.
- Clay.
- Metal.
- Glass.
- Plastic.
- Sod.
- Caves.
- Stucco.
- Styles.
- Methods of building.
- Customs.
- Taboos (13th floor).
- Financed by.
- Arts.
- Dancing.
- Drama.
- Engineering.
- Literacy.
- Who can read and write?
- What sort of written language?
- Media for writing.
- Uses for writing.
- Letters.
- Documents.
- Types of contracts/agreements.
- Sacred texts.
- Mathematics.
- Medicine.
- Metal Working.
- Music.
- Navigation.
- Numerology.
- Philosophy.
- Pottery.
- Sculpture.
- Theology.
- Writing.
- Disputes.
- Between individuals.
- Between nations, corporations, governments.
- Between groups or classes.
- Contracts.
- Agreements.
- Methods of settlement.
- Combat.
- Law.
- Contests.
- Popular vote.
- Etc.
- Economic base.
- Trade.
- Controllers.
- Controlled by government or certain classes?
- Monopolies?.
- Mercantilism.
- Industrial.
- Agricultural.
- Capital accumulation level.
- Presence of cottage industry.
- Staples (with appropriate rotation/irrigation.
- Method of Payment.
- Money or coinage.
- Controller.
- Local.
- National.
- Tied to rank.
- Made out of what kind of materials?
- Made by whom - artisans, machines, etc.?
- Value system.
- How to differentiate between values (ie: small coins, large, pieces chopped off of coins, engraved numbers, etc.).
- How many different values and what are they?
- How is change given?
- Barter.
- In kind.
- Trade.
- Items rare/common.
- Rate of Exchange.
- Occupations.
- Crafts.
- Guilds.
- Which are dangerous?
- Arduous.
- Prestigious.
- Reviled.
- Rewards.
- Motivations.
- Who takes less desired tasks and why.
- Castes.
- Slavery.
- Education.
- Size of institutions.
- Admission qualifications.
- Pedagogical conventions.
- Entertainment.
- Hobbies.
- Recreation.
- Toys
- Games.
- Contests.
- Sports.
- Entertainment arts.
- Gambling.
- Evolution.
- Degree of adaptability/ecotypic generality.
- Developmental stages.
- Vestigial features.
- Culturgenic predispositions.
- Geographical placement.
- Environmental features shaping any societal aspects - ie. COURTSHIP RITE by Kingsley.
- Natural defenses.
- Natural offenses.
- Government structure.
- Organization.
- Bureaucratic infrastructure.
- Sophistication of projections.
- Capacity for innovation.
- Scope.
- Sources of legitimacy.
- Constraints on exercise of authority.
- Functionaries functions.
- Law enforcement.
- Law organizations.
- Controlled by who.
- How much power.
- Structure.
- Requirements.
- Strength.
- Dedication.
- Viewed in society with favor or disfavor.
- Honest or crooked.
- Court system.
- Prisons.
- Punishment.
- Criminal organizations.
- Organized.
- Unorganized.
- Type of crime.
- Types of criminals.
- Locations.
- Strengths.
- Weaknesses.
- Viewed by society.
- Severe menace.
- Controls.
- Passports.
- Licenses.
- Taxes.
- Subjects of various imposts.
- Method of collection (revenue-farmers, etc.).
- Permits.
- Tolls and tariffs.
- Political structure.
- Anarchy.
- Clan.
- Communal.
- Communistic.
- Democracy.
- Dictatorship.
- Empire.
- Monarchy.
- Nation.
- Oligarchy.
- Republic.
- State.
- Theocracy.
- Triarchy.
- Tribal.
- Utopia.
- Type.
- City.
- State.
- Country.
- Town.
- Nation.
- Empire.
- Size.
- Traditions of localism.
- Emergency resources available.
- Norms of administrative allocation (e.g.,l for military service.)
- History.
- Historical touchstones.
- Technical.
- Military.
- Religious.
- Economic.
- Political.
- Cultural.
- Timetables.
- What is forgotten (or rewritten) is as important as what is remembered.
- Legends, myths, folklore, fables.
- Heroic figures/diabolic figures - admired and despised figures and characteristics personified in legends and folk tales.
- Names everyone in society knows.
- Important dates (ie: if a citizen of this world had a time machine where would s/he go?).
- Major historic event(s) shaping societal influences.
- Language.
- Popular.
- Classical.
- Class differences.
- Slang.
- Metaphors.
- On what subjects is it richest?
- Life Expectancy.
- Medical.
- Techniques and capabilities.
- Hygiene.
- Sewage systems.
- View of cleanliness.
- Garbage handling.
- Preventive measures .
- Water.
- Control of food and drink production.
- Prevalent diseases.
- Prevalent injuries.
- Organizations.
- Attitudes toward such.
- Attitudes toward sickness.
- Military.
- State of war.
- What is style of warfare?
- Deadly serious.
- A game for nobles.
- Hit and run.
- Grand marches.
- How big are the armies.
- What are the goals of war.
- Strategy.
- How large a role does strategy play.
- Tactics.
- Are their masters of strategy others study.
- War games.
- Beliefs regarding.
- Security of borders.
- Ambitions.
- Politics.
- Weapons.
- What kind of weapons?
- Who makes them?
- What are the styles?
- What are the uses.
- How is weapons training done?
- Academies.
- Individual masters.
- School of hard knocks.
- System of sending children to other warriors or
- for training.
- Personnel.
- Form.
- Civilian militia.
- Professional military.
- Volunteers.
- Draft.
- Conscripts.
- Required military service.
- Length of service.
- Paid substitutes?
- Sexist?
- Preferred gender:
- Racist?
- How housed?
- Military post.
- Commandeering civilian housing.
- Buy or rent.
- Proportion of military to civilian populace.
- Philosophy.
- Level of technology.
- Physiology.
- Locomotion.
- Coordination.
- Energy input/output.
- Peculiar systems.
- Religion(s).
- Accepted.
- Monotheistic .
- Polytheistic.
- Unaccepted.
- Customs.
- Beliefs.
- Structures of worship.
- Organizations.
- Holidays and Festivals.
- Superstitions.
- Deities.
- Gender.
- Male.
- Female.
- Neuter.
- Androgynous.
- Other (If race has other).
- World/Universe views.
- Heavens.
- Stars, suns, moons.
- Views of creation, destruction.
- Anthropomorphism.
- Earth.
- Catastrophic events.
- Interpretations.
- Effects.
- Sin.
- Virtue.
- Power.
- Reproduction.
- Methods.
- Birth Control methods and biases.
- Customs and attitudes re:
- Sex.
- Prostitution.
- Marriage.
- Courtship.
- Virginity.
- Kinships.
- Taboos.
- Preferred sex.
- Structure & size of civilization.
- Relative to contemporaries.
- Relative to predecessors.
- Survival Strategies.
- Water.
- How and where gotten.
- Distribution.
- Uses.
- Bathing.
- Washing.
- Customs involving.
- Fire fighting.
- Irrigation.
- Food.
- Production.
- Distribution.
- Preparation.
- Eating tools and customs.
- Forbidden foods.
- Fasting.
- Gourmet foods.
- Stimulating or intoxicating drinks.
- Other drinks.
- Drinking customs.
- Drugs - legal or otherwise.
- Sanitary procedures.
- Waste disposal.
- Garbage disposal.
- Sanitary customs.
- Technical level.
- Technology.
- Transportation.
- Means of transportation.
- Roads.
- Water.
- Air.
- Power.
- Energy source.
- Muscle (animal or individual).
- Machine.
- Combinations.
- Communications.
- Control of.
- Means of.
- Methods.
- Storage of information and data.
- Energy sources.
- Electric.
- Compressed air.
- Water.
- Fossil.
- Muscle.
- Magic.
- Physic.
- Nuclear.
- Geothermal.
- Winds.
- Steam.
- Particle waves.
- Other.
Material for this outline contributed by Ad Hoc Writers members
Malcolm Easton, Clare Bell, Jim Van Scyoc, Raymond (Buzz) Nelson,
Mark Kreighbaum, Gerald Perkins and Reba Leon.
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Copyright ©1996-2007 by Jim R. Van Scyoc